CPR Class

The 125 JATC will be hosting a Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) class. You may sign up on Training Vault prior to the event. There is limited availability. The class may be used for your Safety CEUs and a card may be issued for a charge. Please, contact Tryon at the Training Center for those details.

Apprentice Interviews

Applicant Lists: Following your interview, you should receive an email with your position on the specific list that you have applied to be on. You will remain on that list for 1 year from your interview date. Interviews are done every two months. If something has changed that may improve your position on the list, […]

Applications for February Interviews Open

Applications are completely online @ https://www.ua125jatc.com/product/apprenticeship-application/ . Along with the application you will need to submit a photo ID, Birth certificate and high school transcript (or equivalent ). After submission and a twenty five dollar application fee, your interview time will then be generated and given to you. Limited applications will be accepted.


MedGas Recert Class

UA 125 Training Center 5101 J St SW, Cedar Rapids, IA, United States

The Training Center will be hosting a Medical Gas recertification class. This recertification class is also good for your CEUs. Sign up is available on Training Vault.